
"Moja przyjaciółka ma na imię Agnieszka. A tak wygląda jej dzień.Wstaje o godzinie 6:00. Szykuje się do szkoły,myje się oraz je poranne śniadanie po czym o godzinie 7:30 idzie do szkoły.Pilnie się uczy. Wraca do domu. Je obiad oraz ogląda telewizje. Po obiedzie odrabia zadania domowe. Następnie relaksuje się przed komputerem pijąc ciepłą herbatę. O godzinie 18 wychodzi na dwór. Często razem chodzimy na spacery. o 20:00 wraca do domu.Siedząc w fotelu ogląda serial. Następnie idzie do kąpieli,oraz na kolację przygotowaną przez mamę. O godzinie 23:00 idzie spać." _____ Witam.Jest to zadanie napisane po Polsku,lecz bardzo proszę,aby ktoś pomógł mi je przekształcić na język Angielski.To pilne!.

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 7

about 16 years ago

ewentualnie prosze o poprawki .. My friend has on name agnieszka. So, day looks . It stands up about hour 6:00. It is prepared for school, it washes and morning breakfast eats then it goes about hour for school 7:30. It learns urgently. It returns to house. It dines and it observes television. It executes home (domestic) tasks after dinner. It is relaxed before computer next drinking warm tea. It leaves (go out) about hour on court (manor) 18. We walk on walks often case (together; time). It returns to house about 20:00. Serial observes in arm-chair (office) sitting. It goes for bath next, and on supper prepared by mum. About hour go sleeping 23:00.


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 2 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

jestem tu nowy i nie zabardzo wiem o co chodzi na tej stronie, prosli bym zeby ktos napsal na gg 7575858


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 1 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

nie oddawaj tego w tym stanie !!


Skilled Odpowiedzi: 67 0 people got help
about 16 years ago

To co napisałaś wcześniej to jest totalny paszet! Proszę: My friend's name is Agnes. And thats the way her day looks like. She wakes up ad 6:00. She prepares for school, washes herself, she eats her breakfast and she goes to school at 7:30. She is studying hard. Then she goes back home. She eats dinner and watches TV. After dinnes she does her homework, next she relaxes her using computer and drinks hot tea. At 18:00 she goes out/ We are walking out often. At 20:00 she goes gack home.She watches tv sitting in armchair . Next she is going to bathroom, and she eats her supper made by her mom. She goes to bed at 23:00.


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 6 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

My friend has on name agnieszka. So, day looks . It stands up about hour 6:00. It is prepared for school, it washes and morning breakfast eats then it goes about hour for school 7:30. It learns urgently. It returns to house. It dines and it observes television. It executes home (domestic) tasks after dinner. It is relaxed before computer next drinking warm tea. It leaves (go out) about hour on court (manor) 18. We walk on walks often case (together; time). It returns to house about 20:00. Serial observes in arm-chair (office) sitting. It goes for bath next, and on supper prepared by mum. About hour go sleeping 23:00.


Talented Odpowiedzi: 45 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

"My friend's name is Agnes. And tis is her day.she gets up at 6:00. gets ready for school, washes then eats breakfast in the morning and then at 7:30 goes to school.she loves to learn. after she returns home she eats dinner and watches TV. After dinner, she does her homework. Then relaxes in front of the computer while drinking hot tea. At 18 she goes out. Often we go for walks together. at 20:00 she gets back home.she sits in a chair watching the show. Then go to the bath,and then eats tea prepared by my mother. About 23:00, goes to sleep. "


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 7 0 people got help
about 2 years ago

. My friend has on name agnieszka. So, day looks . It stands up about hour 6:00. It is prepared for school, it washes and morning breakfast eats then it goes about hour for school 7:30. It learns urgently. It returns to house. It dines and it observes television. It executes home (domestic) tasks after dinner. It is relaxed before computer next drinking warm tea. It leaves (go out) about hour on court (manor) 18. We walk on walks often case (together; time). It returns to house about 20:00. Serial observes in arm-chair (office) sitting. It goes for bath next, and on supper prepared by mum. About hour go sleeping 23:00. 



Novice Odpowiedzi: 20 0 people got help

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