
Napisz piec zdan o swojej najlepszej przyjaciolce. Uzyj czasownikow: UNDERSTAND, STUDY, REVISE, PRACTISE, ANSWER, COPY Z gory dzieki!! Dam ocene celujaca...!! ;)

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Odpowiedzi: 3

about 15 years ago

nie wiem czy 5 zdan nie bedzie za malo bo poza slowkami, ktore wypisalas powinny byc jakies podastawowe info. .. :) I adore my best friend. Her name's ... She's .. years old and she's STUDYing very well. Her best subjects are polish and history(na przyklad, bo mozesz podac inne- maths,biology etc.) She also enjoys sport; she is very good at basketball(mozna tez dac np: volleyball,tennis,swimming etc.) ; she PRACTISEs it twice a week after school. She has her own style - she doesn't COPY anyone. She prefers sport clothes. When I need some advice, she always ANSWER me so I can always rely on her. I hope that pur friendship will never REVISE.


Beginner Odpowiedzi: 32 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

a, zapomnialam o czasowniku undrestand.po zdaniu: When I need some advice, she ANSWER me so I can always rely on her, mozesz napisac: She alwyas UNDERSTAND me/my problems.


Beginner Odpowiedzi: 32 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

My favourite freind is Paulina.She's yers old 12.Sometimes I don't understand her but I like her.When the teacher ask me the question she answer after me.She practise me history.When I don't know exercise she revise me.I study her polish because she don't like polish.


Skillful Odpowiedzi: 122 0 people got help

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