
Do każdego akapitu od (1-5) dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A-G). Dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego tekstu. Potrzebne na jutro A. Friends you spend time with off line are the best B. The surprising disadvantage of social networking C. Not just one problem, but many D. An unexpected benefit of social media E. Loving social media and what it can do F. Choosing the best people for your site G. How much time online is too much ? 1.Social networking websites are growing and changing all the time. Although younger users might not stay with one site for long, the still enjoy the concept, and a lot of their daily communication whit friends takes place on social media sites. They send photos, exchange news, post where they are having coffee with their friends, and share favourite music and videos. It's fun, and it makes you feel good. 2.Or does it ? As Hanna Krasnova of Berlin's Humboldt University, an author of a study on social networking, says, 'We were surprised b how many people have a negative experience from [social networking] , with envy leaving them feeling lonely, fustrated or angry. If you spend too much time looking at friends' posts and pictures - with their happy graduations, wonderful holidays abroard and perfect parties - you many start to wonder what's wrong with you.' 3.And envy of others' perfect lives isn't the only negative aspect. Bullying, other people sharing your deepest secrets, and general embarrassment at seeing the worst photo ever of yourself posted for all the world to see, can all be bad side effects of using social media. And then there is online addiction, which leaves many people unable to switch off their devices for more than a few minutes at a time without suffering from nerves and anxiety. 4.So what can you do to make sure social media remains a positive part of your life ? Probably the most important thing is to make sure you don't spend too much time focusing on your digital life. 'At the end of the day, nothing can replace face - to - face conversation and interactions,' says one writer. ' It's better to get together with friends, go out for a meal, or sit and chat in person. When you're with a real person, it's much easier to understand what's going on and what your friendship really means.' 5.A second thing to keep in mind is that your friends on social media should be real friends, not just acquaintances. You should only ' friends, people you get on well with and look up to. In the end, just like in real life, the number of friends you have doesn't matter. It's the quality of the people close to you - even on social media - that is really important

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