
Napisz list w którym... Yesterday: travel down Amazon River to explore jungle - see many kinds of plants and trees - beautiful river dolphins Tuesday: visit Riberenos, river people, and a river school - have lesson with local children On Friday: have a tour of Lima - spend time on beach at Miraflores Dear Lia, I'm havind a great time here in Peru! I've done some really excitind things. Yesterday, I (...) Today, I (...) On Friday, (...) Anyway, I'll say goodbye for now and I'll see you soon. Love, Carmen Pamiętajcie o czasach! Yesterday ( Przeszły) Today (Teraźniejszy) On Friday, (Przyszły) [ Górne teksty (yesterday,on friday, today) przekształcie w odpowiednich czasach i wstawcie w formie listu, wzór wyżej...)

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about 15 years ago

Dear Lia, I'm having a great time here in Peru! I've done some really exciting things. Yesterday, I traveled down Amazon River to explore jungle. I saw many kinds of plants and trees and beautiful river dolphins. Today I'm visiting Riberenos, river people, and a river school and I'm having lesson with local children. On Friday I'll have a tour of Lima, I'll spend time on beach at Miraflores. Anyway, I'll say goodbye for now and I'll see you soon. Love, Carmen


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about 15 years ago

a list z angol przyda się??


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