
Zad.1 Match the verbs in column A with their opposites in column B.Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. A B lend take give forget find break mend borrow remember lose 1.Dan always______________my birthday.It's so annoying! 2.I_______________Ł20 on the pavement this morning.What should I do? 3.Oh no! I've_______________my sister's jacket! 4.Tom_______________my CD player and he hasn't given it back. 5.My boyfriend always_____________me presents but I don't like them. 6.I_____________Dad's digital camera last night. Zad.3 Rewrite the advice from exercise 1 using a different phrase to start each one.Choose from the phrases in the box. I think you should... I think you ought to... If were you,I would... If I were you,I wouldn't... Why don't you...? I don't think you should... I don't think you ought to... In my opinion,you shouldn't... In my opinion,you should... 1.If I were you,I'd buy her a new one. 2.___________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________________________

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