
Niedaleko Krakowa, w południowej Polsce jest Wieliczka, kopalnia soli. Zgodnie z 700-letnią legendą błogosławiona Kinga rzuciła pierścionek do kopalni soli Marmaros na Węgrzech. Podczas podróży z Marmaros do Krakowa, służąca powiedziała jej, że wykopywała węgiel. Zamiast tego pod wodą okazało się, że wynalazła sól i w pierwszej bryle soli, którą wzięła, był pierścionek Kingi. Przez siedem wieków sól była wykopywana ręcznie i do 1620 roku była wynoszona na powierzchnię przez górników. Po tej dacie do wynoszenia soli na górę wykorzystywano konie, ponieważ praca była niebezpieczna i wielu górników zmarło lub zostało rannych. Turyści oglądają jak była wydobywana sól. Mogą zobaczyć również piękne zielone jezioro i kaplice z pięknymi rzeźbami.

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about 14 years ago

There is a Wieliczka near Cracow, in southern Poland, salt mine. According to 700 - blest Kinga threw the summer legend ring to a Marmaros salt mine in Hungary. During the journey from Marmaros to Cracow, the housemaid told her she had dug coal up. Instead of it underwater it turned out that she had found the salt and there was Kinga's ring in the first lump of the salt which was overcome with her,. The salt was dug up by seven centuries by hand and she was taken out to the surface by miners into 1620. After this date for taking the salt out up horses were being used, since the work was dangerous and many miners died or it was injured. Tourists are watching how there was a get salt. They can see the also beautiful green lake and chapels with fine sculptures.


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 6 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

Near Cracow in southern Poland is the Wieliczka, salt mine. According to the 700-year legend of the blessed King threw a ring into a salt mine in Hungary Marmaros. When you travel with Marmaros to Krakow, the maid told her that wykopywała coal. Instead, the water turned out that the inventors of the first chuck of salt and salt, which she was Kinga's ring. For seven centuries, salt was dug by hand to 1620 and was the wynoszona on the surface of the miners. After that date, for elevating the salt on top horses were used, because the job was dangerous, and many miners died or were injured. Tourists watch as the salt was extracted. Can see the beautiful green lake and a chapel with beautiful sculptures.


Expert Odpowiedzi: 1198 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

Near Cracow in southern Poland is the Wieliczka, salt mine. According to the 700-year legend of the blessed King threw a ring into a salt mine in Hungary Marmaros. When you travel with Marmaros to Krakow, the maid told her that wykopywała coal. Instead, the water turned out that the inventors of the first chuck of salt and salt, which she was Kinga's ring. For seven centuries, salt was dug by hand to 1620 and was the wynoszona on the surface of the miners. After that date, for elevating the salt on top horses were used, because the job was dangerous, and many miners died or were injured. Tourists watch as the salt was extracted. Can see the beautiful green lake and a chapel with beautiful sculptures.


Rookie Odpowiedzi: 23 0 people got help

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