
Proszę o POMOC!!! czas Present Perfect Continuous zad 1 In your notebook, write the sentences using the present perfect Simple or continuous. Add a time expression to make them true for you. 1)I....(go) to the same hairdresser's for..... 2) I....(know) my oldest friend since.... 3)I...(sit) in this chair since.... zad 2 Choose the correct form and write it in your notebook. Which sentences are true for you. 1)I've seen/I've been seeing the Mona Lisa twice. 2) My mum has bought/ has been buying a new car. 3) It's snowed/it's been snowing since yesterday. 4) I've learnt/ I've been learning the piano for years. 5) My parents have never been going/ have never been abroad. 6) I haven't done/ haven't been doing my homework yet.

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