
Mój wymarzony zawód to psycholog. Chcę być nim od dawna. Uwielbiam pomagać ludziom. Według niektórych ludzi umiem słuchać i dobrze doradzić. Psycholog jest dla mnie kimś w rodzaju lekarza duszy czy ostatecznie umysłu, choć to bardziej psychiatra. Bardzo doceniam lekarzy, choć sama raczej bym nim nie mogła być - jestem za mało ambitna. Mam świadomość, że psychologia to też nie jest lekki kierunek. Najbardziej jednak boję się, że komuś nie uda mi się pomóc albo że źle doradzę, że ktoś przeze mnie sobie coś zrobi, Ale mam nadzieję, że tak się nie stanie.

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Odpowiedzi: 3

about 15 years ago

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Skilled Odpowiedzi: 51 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

My dream profession is a psychologist. I want to be it for ages. I adore to help people. According to some people I can listen and give good advice. The psychologist is somebody resembling the doctor for me for the soul or after all of mind, at least it more psychiatrist. Very much I appreciate doctors, at least alone than I could not be it - I am too little ambitious. I am aware that psychology isn't also light direction. The most however I am afraid that for somebody he will fail for me to help or I will give bad advice somebody by me for himself will do something, but I hope that this way he won't happen.


Skilled Odpowiedzi: 51 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

My dream profession is psychologist. I want to be there for a long time. I love to help people. According to some people I can listen to and good advice. Psychologist for me is something of a doctor of the soul or mind eventually, though it's more a psychiatrist. We appreciate the doctors, but I would rather it itself could not be - I'm a little ambitious. I am aware that psychology is also not a light direction. But most fear that someone can not help me or advise that bad that someone I do something, but I hope this does not happen.


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