
pilnie potrzebuje przetłumaczenia na język angielski rodzice taty nazywają się Agnieszka i Marian. Agnieszka ma 70 lat a Marian 73. Obydwoje zajmowali się gospodarstwem, obecnie są na emeryturach. Dziadki mają trzech synów Mirka który ma 51 lat Andrzeja który ma 48 lat i marka który ma 40 lat, najstarszy z nich Mirek ma żonę Agatę i dwoje dorosłych dzieci Mariolę 28 lat i Karola 26 lat drugi brat Andrzej ma żonę Irenę i dwoje dorosłych dzieci Damiana 20 lat i ja 19. Marek jest najmłodszym synem Agnieszki i Mariana ma żonę Ewę i jednego syna Patryka który ma trzynaście lat. Wujek Mirek i ciocia Agata wraz z dziećmi mieszkają w Sosnowcu. Wujek Mirek z zawodu jest spawaczem, pracuje na budowie w Katowicach, ciocia Agata pracuje w restauracji w Sosnowcu. Kuzynka Mariola pracuje w szkole zaocznej jako stylistka paznokci w sosnowcu a w tygodniu prowadzi swój mały salon paznokci. Kuzyn Karol studiuje i pracuje w sosnowcu jako ochroniarz. Wujek Marek pracuje przy meblach na FAMEGU w Radomsku. Żona wujka Marka Ewa pracuje jako nauczycielka matematyki i informatyki w technikum drzewnym i prywatnym liceum. Jedynak Marka i Ewy Patryk uczy się w gimnazjum.Mieszkają w Gomunicach. Mój tata Andrzej z zawodu jest mechanik pracuje jako stolarz na FAMEGU w radomsku. Mama z zawodu jest szwaczką i pracuje w INDESICIE. Mój brat skończył technikum logistyczne i obecnie zdaje maturę. Ja uczę się w prywatnym liceum i poszukuje pracy w zawodzie kucharz. Rodzice mamy nazywają się Kazimierz i Jadwiga. Moja mama jest ich córka mają jeszcze jedną córkę Grażynę która ma męża Krzysztofa i dwoje dzieci Mikołaja i Nataszę. Mikołaj uczy się w zespole szkół elektryczno-elektrycznych w Radomsku i skończył w tym roku 18 lat. Natasza uczy się w szóstej klasie. Ciocia Grażyna nie pracuje a wujek Krzysiek pracuje jako ustawiacz maszyn w Kleszczowie

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Odpowiedzi: 2

about 12 years ago

Dad's parents are called Agnes and Marian. Agnes is 70 years old and Marian 73rd Both were involved in the farm, are now in retirement. Grandfather, have three sons Mirka who has 51 years Andrew who is 48 years old and a brand that is 40 years old, the oldest of them has a wife Agatha Mirek and two adult children, Mariola 28 years and 26 years of Charles's brother Andrew is the second wife Irene and their two adult children, Damian 20 years and I 19th Mark is the youngest son of Agnes and Marian has a wife Eve, and one son Patrick who is thirteen years old. Mirek Uncle and Aunt Agatha and the children living in Sosnowiec. Mirek's uncle is a welder by profession, working on construction in Katowice, Aunt Agatha worked in a restaurant in Sosnowiec. Mariola's cousin works in a school weekend as a stylist and nail in Sosnowiec week leading his little nail salon. Cousin Charles is studying and working as a bodyguard in Sosnowiec. Uncle Mark is working with furniture for FAMEGU in Radomsko. Uncle Mark's wife Eva works as a teacher of mathematics and computer science at a technical high school and private wood. Mark and Eve's only child, Patrick taught in high school. My dad Andrew is a mechanic by profession, working as a carpenter on FAMEGU in Radomsko. My mother is a seamstress by profession and works in INDESICIE. My brother graduated now logistical and technical college asks high school diploma. I teach at a private high school and looking for work as a cook. Parents have called the Casimir and Hedwig. My mother is their daughter, have one daughter who is married to Grazyna Christopher and two children, Nicholas and Natasha. Nicholas taught in the school complex electric power in Radomsko and ended up in this year of 18. Natasha teaches the sixth grade. Auntie Grazyna does not work and Uncle Chris works as a machine setter in Kleszczów


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about 12 years ago

Dad's parents are called Agnes and Marian. Agnes is 70 years old and Marian 73rd Both were involved in the farm, are now in retirement. Grandfather, have three sons Mirka who has 51 years Andrew who is 48 years old and a brand that is 40 years old, the oldest of them has a wife Agatha Mirek and two adult children, Mariola 28 years and 26 years of Charles's brother Andrew is the second wife Irene and their two adult children, Damian 20 years and I 19th Mark is the youngest son of Agnes and Marian has a wife Eve, and one son Patrick who is thirteen years old. Mirek Uncle and Aunt Agatha and the children living in Sosnowiec. Mirek's uncle is a welder by profession, working on construction in Katowice, Aunt Agatha worked in a restaurant in Sosnowiec. Mariola's cousin works in a school weekend as a stylist and nail in Sosnowiec week leading his little nail salon. Cousin Charles is studying and working as a bodyguard in Sosnowiec. Uncle Mark is working with furniture for FAMEGU in Radomsko. Uncle Mark's wife Eva works as a teacher of mathematics and computer science at a technical high school and private wood. Mark and Eve's only child, Patrick taught in high school. My dad Andrew is a mechanic by profession, working as a carpenter on FAMEGU in Radomsko. My mother is a seamstress by profession and works in INDESICIE. My brother graduated now logistical and technical college asks high school diploma. I teach at a private high school and looking for work as a cook. Parents have called the Casimir and Hedwig. My mother is their daughter, have one daughter who is married to Grazyna Christopher and two children, Nicholas and Natasha. Nicholas taught in the school complex electric power in Radomsko and ended up in this year of 18. Natasha teaches the sixth grade. Auntie Grazyna does not work and Uncle Chris works as a machine setter in Kleszczów


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