
Przyjaciel Jasona Clare przychodzi na lunch. Odczytaj listę i napisz zdania. Użyj present perfect z yet, just or already. Lista: Things to do today! 1. tidy the dining room + 2. put flowers on the table - 3. choose some music + 4. meet Clare at the station + 5. make lunch + 6. eat lunch - 7. go to the cinema - 8. take Clare to the station - 9. do the washing-up - + zrobił to - nie zrobił tego Zdania: 1.Jason has already tidied to dining room. 2.He ____________________________________. 3.He ____________________________________. 4.He ____________________________________. 5.He ____________________________________. 6.Clareand Jason _______________________________________. 7.They __________________________________. 8.He ____________________________________. 9.He ____________________________________. Proszę o zrobienie . Daam 6 !!!

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1 answer

about 14 years ago

Zdania: 1.Jason has already tidied the dining room. 2.He has just put flowers on the table____________________________________. 3.He has already chosen some music____________________________________. 4.He has just met Clare At the station____________________________________. 5.He has already made lunch____________________________________. 6.Clareand Jason hasn’t eaten lunch yet_______________________________________. 7.They haven’t gone to the ciemna yet __________________________________. 8.He hasn’t taken Clare to the stadion yet ____________________________________. 9.He hasn’t done the washing up yet____________________________________.


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