
Uzupełnij list, wstawiając podane niżej wyrazy on ,really live, eat, eating, in, do, at, have, sometimes, and, always How are you? I _______ love it here-every day we_______something new_______ exciting.I________ in small house with three boys-James, Dan an Rick and we are now best friends.We always get up________ 7 am and have breakfst.Then we________ wash up, but not everyday.________ the morning we do Art or Music.Then we have lunch.They have a lot of food for vegetarians so I always_______ a lot.Dan always eats fast foof but James and Rick hate______fast food. After lunch we_______Drama at 2 pm.At 3 pm we do kite surfing, rock climbing, swimming or sailing. It's OK-there is_______ a teacher with us. After supper we watch a film or read books and magazines.________ Friday there's a party with music-it sounds fun.

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about 14 years ago

How are you? I really love it here-every day we do_something new__and_____ exciting.I______live__ in small house with three boys-James, Dan an Rick and we are now best friends.We always get up_____at___ 7 am and have breakfst.Then we__sometimes______ wash up, but not everyday.__In______ the morning we do Art or Music.Then we have lunch.They have a lot of food for vegetarians so I always___eat____ a lot.Dan always eats fast foof but James and Rick hate____eating__fast food. After lunch we____have___Drama at 2 pm.At 3 pm we do kite surfing, rock climbing, swimming or sailing. It's OK-there is__always_____ a teacher with us. After supper we watch a film or read books and magazines.____On____ Friday there's a party with music-it sounds fun.


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