
Witam Mógł by mi ktoś przetłumaczyć ten krótki tekst na angielski: W przyszłości chciał bym założyć organizację pomagającą zwierzętom. Zajmowali byśmy się poszukiwaniem porzuconych i zaniedbanych zwierząt. Zwierzęta chore były by leczone a następnie szukalibyśmy dla nich nowego domu. Organizacja posiadała by bezpłatną infolinię na którą można by zgłaszać zaniedbania i porzucenia. Utrzymywali byśmy się z darowizn. Jedną z największych organizacji pomagającym zwierzętom jest SPSA. Chciał bym założyć właśnie taką organizację ponieważ kocham zwierzęta, ludzie nie zawsze potrafią skorzystać z otrzymanej pomocy a zwierzęta zawsze się odwdzięczają. Tylko proszę nie dawajcie mi linków do translatorów zależy mi na w miarę poprawnemu przetłumaczeniu. Z góry Dzięki.

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 4

about 14 years ago

In the future I wanted to create an organization that helps animals. We were involved in the exploration of abandoned and neglected animals. Animals that are ill would have been treated and have been looking for them a new home. The organization had a toll free number that you can assign to report neglect and abandonment. They held us up with donations. One of the biggest organization that helps animals is SPSA. I wanted to create just such an organization because I love animals, people are not always able to benefit from the aid received and the animals always return the favor. Napewno bedzie dobrze bo zrobilam to w tłumaczu z google


Talented Odpowiedzi: 42 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

In the future I wanted to create an organization that helps animals. We were involved in the exploration of abandoned and neglected animals. The animals would have been ill treated and have been looking for a new home for them. The organization that had a toll free number you can assign to report neglect and abandonment. Subsisted us with donations. One of the biggest organization that helps animals is SPSA. I wanted to create just such an organization because I love animals, people are not always able to benefit from the aid received and the animals always return the favor.


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 2 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

In the future I wanted to create an organization that helps animals. We were involved in the exploration of abandoned and neglected animals. The animals would have been ill treated and have been looking for a new home for them. The organization that had a toll free number you can assign to report neglect and abandonment. Subsisted us with donations. One of the biggest organization that helps animals is SPSA. I wanted to create just such an organization because I love animals, people are not always able to benefit from the aid received and the animals always return the favor.


Novice Odpowiedzi: 18 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

In the future I wanted to create an organization that helps animals. We were involved in the exploration of abandoned and neglected animals. Animals that are ill would have been treated and have been looking for them a new home. The organization had a toll free number that you can assign to report neglect and abandonment. They held us up with donations. One of the biggest organization that helps animals is SPSA. I wanted to create just such an organization because I love animals, people are not always able to benefit from the aid received and the animals always return the favor


Intermediate Odpowiedzi: 99 0 people got help

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