
Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie zdań na język angielski. Bardzo bym była wdzięczna za pomoc :) Moim zdaniem rozmowa rodziców z dziećmi jest bardzo ważna, ponieważ rodzice pomagają rozwiązywać problemy, przybliża ich to do siebie. Rodzice i dzieci stają się dla siebie ważni i mogą na sobie polegać. Myślę, że rodzina która dużo ze sobą rozmawia bardziej się kocha i jest szczęśliwa.

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 4

about 14 years ago

In my view, conversation between parents and children is very important because parents can help solve problems, it brings them together. Parents and children are important for themselves and may rely on each other. I think that the family has a lot more talking to each other to love and be happy.


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 9 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

In my opinion the conversation of parents with children is very important, since parents are helping to solve a problem, it is bringing them closer to itself. Parents and children are happening for themselves important and can rely on themselves. I think that the family which much is talking to itself more loves each other and she is happy.


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 8 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

Bardzo Wam dziękuje :]


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 10 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

In my view, conversation between parents and children is very important because parents can help solve problems, it brings them together. Parents and children are important for themselves and may rely on each other. I think that the family has a lot more talking to each other to love and be happy. prosze o punkty:))


Beginner Odpowiedzi: 38 0 people got help

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