
Zakrśl własciwe słowo i przetłumacz. 1).My flatmate / colleague is really nice and helpful. I clean the main rooms and she cleans the bathroom and the kitchen. 2). They look like a happy couple / pair . They are always holding their hands and smiling at each other. 3). Friendship is a very important relationship / relation for young pepole. 4). Unfortunately he is no longer married. He is now divorce / divorced. 5). Many young people don't belive that marriage / marry is good idea. 6). My father's classmates / colleagues from work always remember his birthday. 7). Mr and mrs Peterson live next to us. They are really good flatmates / neighbours. 8). I'm a/ an only / single child. I have no brothers or sisters.

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1 answer

about 14 years ago

1).My flatmate is really nice and helpful. I clean the main rooms and she cleans the bathroom and the kitchen. Flatmate-wspollokator , colleague-kolega (z pracy) 2). They look like a happy couple. They are always holding their hands and smiling at each other. Couple- para (ludzi) pair-para(butów) 3). Friendship is a very important relation for young pepole. Relationship-zwiazek (np. Dwoch osob), relation-zwiazek, relacja (miedzy czyms, do czegos) 4). Unfortunately he is no longer married. He is now divorced. Divorce-rozwod, divorced-rozwiedziony 5). Many young people don't belive that marriage is good idea. Marriage-malzenstwo, marry- poslubić 6). My father's colleagues from work always remember his birthday. Classmates-koledzy ze szkoly, colleagues- koledzy z pracy 7). Mr and mrs Peterson live next to us. They are really good neighbours. Flatmates-wspołlokatorzy, neighbours-sasiedzi 8). I'm an only child. I have no brothers or sisters. An only child-jedynak, single-pojedynczy


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