
Write which sentence is promise,possibility or future fact? Napisz które zdanie jest promise,possibility or future fact? 1. I'II be sixteen on me next birthday. ............................................. 2. I'II always remember you. ........................................................ 3. I'II work hard at school. ........................................................ 4. Perhaps I'II go to the sinema this evening. ......................................

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about 14 years ago

skomplikowane uzupełniani jestem z podstawówki


Rookie Odpowiedzi: 24 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

1. future fact 2. promise 3. promise 4. possibility


Skillful Odpowiedzi: 137 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

1.I'll be sixteen on me next birthday future fact. 2.I'll always remember you promise. 3.I'll work hard at school promise. 4.Perhaps I'll go to the cinema this evening possibility.


Expert Odpowiedzi: 522 0 people got help

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