
1) Uzupełnij pytania. Nastepnie napisz krótkie odpowiedzi, używając will i won't. a)...(people/drive) cars? Odp... b) ...(you/be) a grandparent? Odp... c)...(people/travel) in space? Odp... d)...(everybody/have) a computer? Odp... e)...(the weather/ be) hotter? Odp... 2) Uzupełnij dialog czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. be, not drive, have, help, not go, use, do, not think PROFESSOR: Yes- I think the world a)...very different. First, we b)... robots! PRESENTER: Really? And what c)... the robots d)...? PROFESOR: Well, they e)... for us, but they f)... with the housework. PRESENTER: Great! And wath other differences do you predict? PROFESSOR: People g) ... cars. I think we h)... public transport. And perhaps students i)... to scgool. PRESENTER: Do you think so? That will be popular! 3) Zakreśl prawidłowe wyrazy. Następnie dopisz sześć nazw przedmiotów. plastic: wardrobe/ toys wood: desk/ notebook fabric: sweatshirt/ computer paper: mirror/ magazine metal: car/ sandals 4) Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. not turn off, recycle, protect, save, pollute, destroy a) You... the river if you throw rubbish in it. b) If you... the tap, you'll waste water. c) If people cut down all the trees, they... the rainforests. d) You'll help the environment if you... all your plastic bottles. e) If you turn off the lights, you... energy. f) If we give them money, Greenpeace... the environment. 5) Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie. np. Paul will go out( go out) with Mary if she phones(phone) him. a) If Sara...(invite) us, we...(go) to her sleepover next weekend. b) We...(not watch) the film if it...(be) terrible. c) If Jack...(pass) his exams in June he... (not study) in August. d) I ...(send) you a postcard if I...(REMEMBER). e) If Cathy...(not finish) her homework tonight, she...(do) it tomorrow. f) If I ...(not go) to university, I...(get) a job. 6)Dopasuj czynności I- VI do skutków a-f. I- save 50 euro II- pass my exams III- study architecture IV- miss the bus V- get a job VI- learn to drive a- go to university b- get a car c- buy some new clothes d- walk home e- become an architect f- make some money I... II... III... IV... V... VI... 7) Ułóż zdania o Joe. Użyj nazw czynności i skutków z ćw. 6. a)... ... b)... ... c)... ... d)... ... e)... ... 8) Ułóż zdania w pierwszym trybie warunkowym. a) go to university If he passes his exams, he... b)study architecture ... c) desing an ecological house ... d) help protect the environment ... be happy ... 9) Uzupełnij dialog czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. be, pay, ask, try, want, not be, buy, work TARA: That's all right. It's great here. If you like organic food, you (a)... OK! DAN: Yeah, I hope so. Do you work here every day? TARA: No, just on Saturdays. But if you(b)... to ask any questions, I (c)... and answer them. DAN: Thanks! If I (d) ... on Sundays, will I get more money? TARA: Yes- if they (e) ... you to work on Sundays, they (f)... you 8 euro an hour. DAN: Oh, that's good. If I save some money, I( g)...a bike. Then I (h)... late for work! TARA: Good idea! 10) Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. pollute, if, pollutes, clean, cans, live, don't, will, won't Will we protect our rivers more in the future? If we (a)... look after them, we will destroy many beautiful places. If people throw rubbish in the water, the fish (b)... die. Bottles, (c)... and plastic bags are dangerous for the animals that (d) ... near the river. If factories (e)... the water, the river plants (f)... survive. Agriculture also (g)... rivers, because pesticides go into the water. Don't pollute the water (h)... you want to protect our rivers for the future! Remember to take your rubbish home with you.

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