
Uzupełnij quiz wstawiając was/were, i odpowiedz na pytania pełnymi zdaniami 1.Where________ the 2004 Olympic Games? 2.Who_____ a Wimbledon Tennis Champion when she____ only 17? 3.What_____ Eminem's name when he_____ a child? 4.Where______ the composer Chopin from? 5.Who______ the first African-American actress to win an Oscar? 6.Where_____ the Vikings from? 7.What______Bono's name before he_______ in U2? 8.Where_______ the Beatles from? PEOPLE Halle Berry, Paul David Hewson Marshall Bruce Mathers the Third Maria Sharapova Places Greece Poland Liverpool Scandinavia

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1 answer

about 14 years ago

1.Where were the 2004 Olympic Games? 2.Who wasa Wimbledon Tennis Champion when she was only 17? 3.What was Eminem's name when he was a child? 4.Where was the composer Chopin from? 5.Who was the first African-American actress to win an Oscar? 6.Where were the Vikings from? 7.What was Bono's name before he was in U2? 8.Where were the Beatles from?


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