
Napisz kilka zdan o Wielkiej Brytanii. Uzyj wyrazow: BLUE, ENGLISH, EUROPE, DIFFICULT, FLAG, LANGUAGE, SMALL, RED, WHITE, CAPITAL... Z gory dzieki!! Dam ocene celujaca...!!

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1 answer

about 14 years ago

United Kingdom is located on the north - west of the continent of Europe, between the Channel Tunnel (Polski Channel) and the North Sea. The area of Scotland is dominated by mountains and highlands (Mountain Highlands, Grampian and Pennine Mountains). Wales is also mountainous with Kambryjskimi Mountains. England is characterized by a predominance of the plain areas (Plain English and the Pool of London). On the south - west of Cornwall and the northern part of York County also have higher elevations. The highest peak is the height of Ben Nevis, 1343 mnp.m., situated in the Grampian mountains. For the longest rivers are: the Severn with the length of 338 km and 336 km length of the River Thames.


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