
ULOZ WYRAZY I WYRAZENIA W PRAWIDLOWEJ KOLEJNOSCI. NAPRZEYKLAD: FAST/CAR./IT'S/A IT'S A FAST CAR. 1.Italian./is/Sofia ............... 2.a/person./Marek/is/funny ............... 3.Canada/big/country?/Is/a ............... 4.Japonese/a/language./is/difficult .................. 5.interesting/Dublin/an/is/city. ................. 6.brotherd/My/Australian./are .............. 7.great!/Basketball/is ............ 8.popular/Kayah's/Are/the United States?/in/songs .............. Z gory dzieki..!! Dam 6!

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 5

about 14 years ago

1. Sofia is Italian. 2. Marek is a funny person. 3. Is Canada a big country? 4. Japanese is a difficult language. 5. Dublin is an interesting city. 6. My brothers are Australian. 7. Basketball is great! 8. Are Kayah's songs popular in the United States?


Proficient Odpowiedzi: 208 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

1.Italian./is/Sofia Sofia is Italian 2.a/person./Marek/is/funny Marek is a funny person. 3.Canada/big/country?/Is/a Is Canada a big country? 4.Japonese/a/language./is/difficult Japanese is a difficult language. 5.interesting/Dublin/an/is/city. Dublin is a interesting city.


Expert Odpowiedzi: 817 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

1. Sofia is Italian 2. Marek is a funny person 3. Is Canada a big country ? 4. Japonese is a difficult language. 5. Dublin is a interesing city 6. My brother is Australian. 7. Backetball is great 8. Kayah's songs are popular in the United States? przynajmiej tak mi się zdaje ;)


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 8 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

1. Sofia is Italian. 2. Marek is a funny person. 3. Is Canada a big country? 4. Japanese is a difficult language. 5. Dublin is an interesting city. 6. My brothers are Australian. 7. Basketball is great! 8. Are Kayah's songs popular in the United States? Myślę Że Pomogłem :)


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 5 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

1. Sofia is Italian. 2. Marek is a funny person. 3. Is Canada a big country ? 4. Japonese is a difficult language. 5. Dublin is an interesting city. 6. My brother are Australian. 7. Basketball is great ! 8. Are Kayah's songs is popular in the United States ?


Newbie Odpowiedzi: 1 0 people got help

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