Napisz zdania,używając will. Używaj form skróconych tam, gdzie to możliwe. I don't think I'll be rich. 1.I/be happy in the future. I think..................... 2.People/destroy the planet. I don't think.............. 3.My sister/get married. I think................... 4.I/live in the USA. I don't think.............. 5.My friends/pass their exams. I think......................... 6.We/travel to the moon. I don't think.............. pomocy!!!!!

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1 answer

about 14 years ago

1. I think I'll be happy in the future. albo I think I won't be happy in the future. 2. I don't think people will destroy the planet. 3. I think my sister will get married. albo I think my sister won't get married. 4. I don't think I will live in the USA. 5. I think my friends will pass their exams. albo I think my friends won't pass their exams. 6. I don't think we'll travel to the moon.


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