
Zad.2. Read the text. Then answer the questions. MELBOURNE The people of Melbourne, Australia love food and shoopping! It's a great place to eat, drink and go shopping. There are cafes, restaurants and hotels. There are some great Italian cafes in Brunswick Street in the centre of the city.Mario's and The Retro cafe are very popular. If you prefer Asian food, try the Mid City Arcade. There are some really interesting Chinese and Japonese rastaurants, and great Japonese clothes shops. There's even a Chinese chemist. If you like shopping, there ale some great shopping centres, too. Try the Como Shopping Centre for shoes and clothes and if you have got time it has got its own cinema too. But if you want CDs, then there are some good music shops in Centrepoint. 1. Is Melbourne a good place for shopping? ____________________________________ 2. What are the two Italian cafes an Brunswick Street? ____________________________________ 3.Where are the Chinese and Japonese restaurants? ____________________________________ 4.Has the Como Shopping Centre got a Chinese chemist?? ____________________________________ 5. Where can you buy CDs? ____________________________________ Z gory dzieki... ;*

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1 answer

about 15 years ago

1) Yes, it is. 2) Mario's cafe and The Retro cafe 3) The Chinese and Japonese restaurants are in the Mid City Arcade. 4) No, it hasn't. 5) You can buy CDs in Centrepoint. Pozdrawiam, proszę o ocenę.


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