
Proszę o przetłumaczenie na Angielski. PROSZĘ NIE TŁUMACZYĆ TŁUMACZEM INTERNETOWYM.! Urodził się w Toruniu 19 lutego 1473 roku. Ród Koperników pochodził ze śląskiej wsi Koperniki nieopodal Nysy. Pod koniec XIV wieku członkowie tej rodziny osiedlili się na większych terenach polski. Z małżeństwem z Barbarą Mikołaj miał czworo dzieci. Na przełomie 1491/2 rozpoczął studia na Akademii Krakowskiej. Te studia ukończył bez uzyskania tytułu.Był polskim astronomem, matematykiem, prawnikiem, ekonomistą strategiem, lekarzem i duchowym katolickim. Według jego badań stwierdził ze to nie ziemia jest w centrum kosmosu tylko słońce stąd teoria heliocentryczna. Mikołaj Kopernik miał małe zielone oczy. Duży krzywy nos. A jego twarz była kwadratowa. Zmarł we Fromborku 24 maja 1543 roku, z powodu wylewu. Został pochowany pod posadzką katedry fromborskiej.

+0 pkt.

Odpowiedzi: 5

about 15 years ago

He was born in Torun, February 19, 1473 year. Among Kopernik came from a Silesian village Koperniki near Nyssa. At the end of the fourteenth century, members of the family settled in the larger Polish areas. The marriage of Santa Barbara had four children. At the turn of 1491 / 2 he began his studies at the Cracow Academy. These studies completed without obtaining tytułu.Był Polish astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, economist strategist, the Catholic doctor and spiritual. According to his research found that the earth is not in the center of the universe only follows the sun Heliocentric theory. Copernicus had small green eyes. A large crooked nose. And his face was square. He died in Frombork 24 my 1543 years, due to a stroke. He was buried under the floor of Frombork Cathedral


Seasoned Odpowiedzi: 196 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

He was born in Toruniu 19 February 1473 year. Source Koperników come from from Silesian village Koperniki the nieopodal(i tu nie wiem) of Neisse. Under end XIV lid members of this family settled down on larger terrains Polish. With marriage with Barbra Nicolaus had four children. He on breakthrough 1491/2 began studies at Cracovian Akademii. He finished these studios without obtainment of title.He was Polish astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, economist strategist, doctor and spiritual Catholic. He according to his investigations affirmed from this it is not the ground the only sun is in centre of cosmos from here heliocentric theory. Nicolaus Kopernik had small green eyes. Large not straight nose. And his face was square. He died in Fromborku 24 May 1543 year, with reason of overflow. He was hidden under floor of fromborskiej cathedral. Powinno być dobrze.


Skillful Odpowiedzi: 132 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

iloneczka nie kopiuj ! :/


Seasoned Odpowiedzi: 196 0 people got help
about 15 years ago

He was born in Torun, February 19, 1473 year. Among Kopernik came from a Silesian village Koperniki near Nyssa. At the end of the fourteenth century, members of the family settled in the larger Polish areas. The marriage of Santa Barbara had four children. At the turn of 1491 / 2 he began his studies at the Cracow Academy. These studies completed without obtaining tytułu.Był Polish astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, economist strategist, the Catholic doctor and spiritual. According to his research found that the earth is not in the center of the universe only follows the sun Heliocentric theory. Copernicus had small green eyes. A large crooked nose. And his face was square. He died in Frombork 24 my 1543 years, due to a stroke. He was buried under the floor of Frombork Cathedral


Novice Odpowiedzi: 18 0 people got help
about 14 years ago

He was born in Torun, February 19, 1473 year. Among Kopernik came from a Silesian village Koperniki near Nyssa. At the end of the fourteenth century, members of the family settled in the larger Polish areas. The marriage of Santa Barbara had four children. At the turn of 1491 / 2 he began his studies at the Cracow Academy. They graduated without a title. He was a Polish astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, economist strategist, the Catholic doctor and spiritual. According to his research found that the earth is not in the center of the universe only follows the sun Heliocentric theory. Copernicus had small green eyes. A large crooked nose. And his face was square. He died in Frombork May 24, 1543 year, due to a stroke. He was buried under the floor of Frombork cathedral.


Expert Odpowiedzi: 1198 0 people got help

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