
Wstaw odpowiedni czas Past Perfect lub Past Simple. 1.Henry ............ ( return) home by the time Rachel phoned. 2.She ............. (not/go) to bed until she had taken a shower. 3.After Jim .............. (water) the plants, it started to rain. 4.As soon as the plane had landed,the capitan ............ (turn off) the seat-belt sing). 5.By the time Vicky woke up, the children ....... (already/make) brekfest. 6.Michelle ............. (wash) the dishes after everyone had gone home. 7.Diana ............. (never/see) an elephant before she went to Africa. 8.Don and Ellen had just finished eating when the doorbell ...............(ring). 9.He didn\'t read the newspaper until he ......... (take) the dog for a walk. 10.By the time Martin complated his raport,everyone ............ (go) home. 11.She ........... (not/want) to watch the film as she had seen it before. 12.We ......... (lock)the door as soon as everyone had left. 13.Tom ...............(already/have) dinner at his friend\'s house,so she didn\'t need to cook for him. 14.Anne took Simon to the doctor\'s because he ......... (cut) his finger.

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