
Cześć mam odpowiedzieć na te pytania w języku angielskim. Pytania na temat egzaminu: 1. Describe on exam you had to take ? 2. How did you prepare for it ? 3. How did you feel ? 4. What do you think is the best way to learn english ? 5. How do you think learning english can help you in the future ?

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1 answer

about 8 years ago

Pytania na temat egzaminu: 1. Describe an exam you had to take ? Some time ago I had to take an exam at the end of the primary school. It had two parts. In the first part I had to do maths and Polish exercises. The second part was an English test. 2. How did you prepare for it ? I studied a lot before the exam. My best friend helped me to understand some Math subjects. I had to catch up on my English as well. I stayed up late doing additional exercises and learning new vocabulary. 3. How did you feel ? I was really stressed because it was an important exam for me. The day before the exam I panicked a lot. 4. What do you think is the best way to learn english ? The best way to learn English is to read books in English and watch movies in English language. Learning new vocabulary by heart is also important. 5. How do you think learning english can help you in the future ? Learning English can help me to get a better job in the future. Speaking to people in other countries will be much easier as well. --------------------------------------------------- primary school - szkoła podstawowa in the first part - w pierwszej części I studied a lot - uczyłem się dużo CATCH UP ON - nadrobić zaległości STAY UP LATE - siedzieć do późna additional exercises - dodatkowe zadania to panick - panikować to learn (something) by heart - uczyć się na pamięć important - ważne as well - również


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