
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.2/str.94 Wykorzystaj podane wyrazy, aby napisać zdania przeczące w czasie present perfect. 1)I/start my homework I haven't started my homework. 2)she/play her quitar tonight 3)we/visit many European capitals 4)he/climb any big mountains 5)they/answer the question 6)she/call the doctor 7)I/paint the door 8)we/finish this lesson

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1 answer

about 8 years ago

2)She hasn't playing her quitar tonight. 3)We haven't visited many European capitals. 4)He hasn't climbed any big mountains. 5)They haven't answered the question. 6)She hasn't called the doctor. 7)I haven't painted the door. 8)We haven't finished this lesson.


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