
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.7/str.50 Przeczytaj list i napisz odpowiedź. Wykorzystaj poniższe notatki. Dear Valerine Please help me. I'm tired all the time. I stop work at ten, so I always eat late. Sometimes I just have a cheese sandwich for dinner. Cocolate gives me energy so I eat a lot of that. I have a hot drink before I go to bed - coffee usually. I go to bed at twelve, but I don't sleep well. What should I do? Tom W. -stop work earlier V -eat cheese before you go to bed X -make a healthy meal with good ingredients V -eat a lot of chocolate X -drink coffee late at night V -go to bed earlier V Dear Tom ............ ............... .................. ................. ................ ................... ............... Good luck! Valerie

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