
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.2/str.106 Zdecyduj, czy podane zdania są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T-true), czy - nie (F-false), a może informacja nie została podana (NM - not mentioned). 1)McGough spoke French with a British accent. ... 2)He went back to Liverpool before he was 30. ... 3)He was one of the musicians in a band called The Beatles. ... 4)The beatles' number one hit was called Lily the Pink. ... 5)The movie Yellow Submarine was a comedy. ... 6)The Marsey poets had two hits in the charts. ... 7)McGough writes children's plays but his poems are just for adults. ... 8)You can sometimes hear McGough's poems on the radio programme. ... The life and works of Roger McGough Roger McGough is a weel-known and popular British poet. He was born in Liverpool on November 6, 1937. He studied French at the University of hull. At that time, the univeristy librain was Philip Larkin, another British poet. In the early 1960s, McGough returned to Liverpool. It was an exciting time to be there. McGough met the famous pop band, The Beatles, and another two musicians called Mike Mcgear and John Gorman. With these two young men, McGough formed a comedy band called The Scaffold. They had some hit albums. Their song Lily the Pink was number one in the British charts in 1968. McGough wrote many of their songs. He also wrote a lot of the scripts in The Beatles' funny movie called Yellow Submarine. McGough published two best-selling book of poems with Adrian Henri and Brian Patten. These three poets were called the 'Mersey Poets' because they were all from Liverpool and the river there is called the Marsey. Many books of poems followed, and McGough still writes for adults and children. He loves playing with words, and his poems are often very witty. He now presents a BBC radio programme called Poetry Please. Listeners write to McGough and ask to hear their favourite poems - old or new. Here is one of Roger McGough's poems. Poems for a dead poet He was a great poet he was. A proper poet. He said things that made you think and said them nicely. He saw things that you or I could never see and saw them clearly. He had a way with language. Images flocked around him like birds, St Francis, he was, of the words. Words? Why, he could almost make 'em talk.

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