
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.3/str.109 Zdecyduj, czy podane zdania są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T-true), czy - nie (F-false), a może informacja nie została podana (NM - not mentioned). 1)Jeff Bezos started many businesses in his garage. ... 2)he was rich but did not have any investors. ... 3) was an immediate success. ... 4)Nick Hanauer and Tom Alburg both helped Bezos. ... 5)The second website was better than the first. ... 6)You play a lot for stamps when you buy books from ... 7)Buyers have to recommend another good book. ... 8) sells books and many other products now. ... Many online stores have started ... and have stopped again. The most successful online businesses are eBay, Yahoo. Google and Amazon. They have made online shopping popular. This is the story of Amazon. Jeff Bezos from USA started He sold books on the Internet. He did not have a lot of money, but he had some very good ideas. He started the business in his garage in Bellevue, Washington, in 1994. A man called Nick Hanauer invested S40,000 in the business. This helped, but the website was dull and not very exciting. It was not a great success at first. A year later, a second investor, Tom Alburg, gave Bezos S100,000. This money paid for a better, more attractive website. From that time, started to grow. Bezos wanted to offer more than a normal bookshop. he gave online shoppers more than a good price and free postage. Today, visitor to can write book reviews, for example. When you choose a book, the site recommends other books. You get the message 'People who bought this also bought XYZ'. This and many other new ideas have made one of the biggest internet sellers of books, CDs and films. The site now sells many other goods, like clothes, beauty products, toys and electronics. Bezos has always said that what is good for the customer is good for the business. The extraordinary success of has shown that he is right.

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