
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.3/str.103 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz i wybierz prawidłowe odpowiedzi. 1)The lung on the right side of your body is a)the same size as the lung on the left side. b)smaller than the lung on the left side. c)bigger than the lung on the left side. 2)Your rib cage a)keeps your bones safe. b)protects your lungs. c)gives your left lung more space. 3)The diaphragm is muscle a)round your heart. b)in your rib cage. c)under your lungs. 4)When you inhale, you a)breathe in. b)breathe in and out. c)think about inhaling. 5)Your diaphragm moves down a)when you breathe. b)when you inhale. c)when you exhale. 6)Smoking a)makes you breathe hard. b)keeps your lungs pink. c)is bad for your lungs. Your lungs and you Your lungs are very special. You can breathe, talk, shout, sing and stay alive - all because you have lungs. Your lungs are in your chest, and they are very large. They fill almost all of the space in your chest. You have two lungs, but the lung on the left side of your body is smaller. This extra space on the left is for your heart. Your rib cage protects your lungs. There are twelve pairs of ribs in your rib cage, and these boneks keep your lungs safe. Under your lungs is a big strong muscle called the diaphragm. You can inhale (breathe in) air and exhale (breathe out) air because you have a diaphragm. When you kick a ball, run a race or swim in the pool, you probably don't think about inhaling. You don't have to! Every time you inhale air, many body parts work together and you don't have to think about it. When you breathe in, your diaphragm becomes small and flat. It can then move down, so your lungs have more space to fill up with air. Your rib muscles also lift the ribs up to give the lungs more space. T the same time, you inhale air through your mouth and nose. The air goes down your trachea, or windpipe. Healthy lungs look pink. To keep your lungs pink and healthy, you mustn't smoke. Smoking isn't good for any part of your body, nd your lungs really hate it. Exercise is good for lungs and heart. When you do intense exercise, your lungs have to have more air to get extra oxygen. As you breathe hard and take in more air, your lungs become stronger. You must look after your lungs so your lungs can look after you!

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