
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.2/str.95 Ułóż wypowiedzi w poszczególnych dialogach w odpowiedniej kolejności. 1 -OK, I'll take four, please. -How much are those big oranges? -Hello, can I help you? -They're 50p each. 2 -They grey ones or the black ones? -I'd like a pair of socks too, pleace. -The black ones, pleace. -That's six pounds in total. 3 -Yes, we've got these thick tights and there are these thinner ones. -What size are they? -Excuse me, do you sell tights? -They're all large. 4 -That's Ł7.99. Would you like a bag? -I'll take this CD, please. -OK, here's your change. -No, that's all right.

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