
Gateway 1 Wokrbook Zad.1/str.77 Wyrażenia podkreślone w zdaniach używane są do opisywania zdjęć. Przeczytaj je i odpowiedz na pytania. [......] - wyrażenia podkreślone a)[We can see] a group of boys. The boy [in the middle] [doesn't look] very happy. b)[I think perhaps they are having] a fight about something. c)She [look] angry. [On the left] we can see a broken window. d)[Maybe] it's a birthday party. They'[re eating] party food. e)[This is a picture of] a school room in the 1950s, [I think]. 1)What expressions do we use when we are not 100%sure of something? ...... 2)What tense do we use when we describe what is happening in a picture? ...... 3)What expressions describe where something or somebody is? ...... 4)What expressions can we use to begin the description? ......

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