
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.1/str.71 Przeczytaj tekst i połącz osoby z nazwami zawodów, które wykonują oraz wykonywały w przeszłości. In today's people and their Jobs programme, we have two men and one woman who are going to tell us about their first and last jobs. Susan Darby is a journalist and she reports for a big newspaper and a radio station, but her first job was as a lorry driver. Robert McDowell started as a cleaner and worked in a big hotel but, last year, he won a competition for young actors. Two months ago, he made his first film, Idols, which is about people who want to become famous. Jake Gears was a shop assistant in a supermarket, but he needed money to pay for his education, so he started painting and now he's a street artist. OSOBY: Susan Darby, Robert McDowell, Jake Gears NAZWY ZAWODÓW: a shop assistant, cleaner, lorry driver, journalist, actor, street artist

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