
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.4/str.68 Połącz pytania (1-6) z odpowiedziami (a-f). 1)Did your mother make your sandwiches today? 2)Did you enjoy the film you saw last night? 3)Did your brother call his football coach yesterday? 4)Did you all have fun at the party last Saturday? 5)Did your friends buy you some music for your birthday? 6)Did it rain when you went to that music festival? a)Yes, we did. It was great, thanks. b)No, they didn't. They bought me a DVD. c)No, I didn't. I don't like Johny Deep. d)Yes, it did but we still enjoyed it! e)Yes, she did. She makes them every day. f)Yes, he did. He rang him after dinner.

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