
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.1/str.54 Przeczytaj wskazówki i znajdź dwanaście nazw państw. 1)The footballer Diego Maradona is from here. ... 2)The capital is Brasilia. ... 3)A country in the north of Africa. ... 4)The Eiffel Tower is in this country. ... 5)Berlin is the capital city. ... 6)This county's flag has three vertical stripes of green, white and red. ... 7)The capital city is Tokyo. ... 8)The largest river in this country is the Vistula. ... 9)The tennis player Rafael Nadal comes from here. ... 10)They speak French, German, Italian and Romansh in this country. ... 11)The second largest city is St Petersburg. ... 12)Its flag is red with a white crescent moon and a star in the centre. ...

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