
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.3/str.67 Połącz nazwy gatunków muzycznych z ramki z definicjami (1-8). WYRAZY Z RAMKI:coutry and western, folk, house, jazz, rap, reggae, rock, world 1)In western Europe and North America, music from other cultures. ... 2)Music with a heavy regular beat, played on electric guitars. ... 3)Traditional music from a particular country or region. ... 4)Players often make up this kind of music when they are playing it. ... 5)Popular music from the southerm part of the USA. ... 6)Type of music where the performer speaks over a strong beat. ... 7)A type of modern dance music. ... 8)Jamaican musicians developed this music in the 1960s. ...

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about 9 years ago

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