
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.3/str.65 Dopasuj wyrazy podkreślone w tekście do podanych definicji. WYRAZY PODKREŚLONE W TEKŚCIE:charming, ambition, soundtrack, hero,bans, strict, albums, legendary, roadies, honesty 1)a CD or record with different songs on it ... 2)something that you want very much to do or become ... 3)say that something is not allowed ... 4)attractive and pleasant ... 5)the main male character in a film or book ... 6)a truthful way of speaking or thinking ... 7)very famous or well known for a long time ... 8)someone who travels with musician and moves their equipment ... 9)the music played during a film or TV programme ... 10)someone who has film rules and expects people to follow them ...

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