
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.4/str.55 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz i wybierz prawidłowe odpowiedzi. Butlins Holiday Camps IN THE PAST, Butlins was Britain's favourite holiday. In the 1960s, there were over one milion holidaymakers at Butlins holiday camps every year. One of the first British holiday camps was Cunningham Young Men's Holiday Camp in 1894. There were lots of tents, shops, a big dining room, a band and a concert hall. The campers then were men only. In the 1920s, the accommodation for the young men was chalets, not tents. These small houses had water, electric lights and toilets. Billy Butlin opened his first camp at Skegness in 1936. He used the Cunningham camp as a model. But Butlins camps were for families. They offered'a week's holiday for a week's pay'. The holidays were cheap so poorer families could afford them. When they were very popular, there were 100 different holiday camps in the UK. Today are three Butlins camps. They are all in British seaside resorts. The camps offer entertainment and activities, especially for children. These are all included in the price. All the activities hace coaches - the famous Redcoats. These people play with the children and teach games and sports. The Redcoats work at the camps, and they wear a red uniform. 1)Over a milion people a)were at Butlins holiday camps in the 1890s. b)have Butlins holidays every year. c)were at Butlins camps every year in the 1960s. 2)The Cunningham campers children. a)all men. b)men, woman and children. c)probably children. 3)In the 1920s, the campers were a)in toilets. b)not in tents. c)in chalets near water. 4)The first Butlins camp in Skegness was for a)men only. b)poor children. c)men, woman and children. 5)Today there are a)hundreds of Butlins holiday camps. b)very different holiday camps. c)three Butlins holiday camps. 6)For the children's activities, a)you pay extra. b)they wear red coats. c)there are people to help them.

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