
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.4/str.53 Przeczytaj ostatnią część tekstu. Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi (A-D), zgodne z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl fragmenty, które potwierdzają poprawność odpowiedzi. School is over and it's time to have dinner. It's a big meal and you should eat some potatoes or rice and a lot of protetion, fish or chicken. Think about having a vegetable salad, fresh vegetables contain a lot of vitamins. But be careful about drinking fruit juice, it contains quite a lot of sugar and some scientists believe you should drink it about half an hour after your meal. A dessert ia a good idea, but you should wait for at least two hours after dinner. It's evening now and you're going to bed. At this time, many people have a lot of snacks when they sit in front of the Tv or their computer. Should you eat anything? Well, you shouldn't have anything two hours before you go to sleep, but if this is too difficult, drink some warm milk and then you can sleep well. Remeber, people who eat a big supper usually have problems getting to sleep. Finally, some general advice about your diet. You should always drink a lot of mienarl water, and this time, all the experts agree - we all need at least two liters of water every day. If you don't clean your teeth after you eat, you should chew some sugar-free gum. When you feel hungry between meals, have some nuts, not chocolate bars, which contain far and sugar. The most important thing is to remember to eat food from all sections of the food pyramid. Follow these tips and be helathy! 4)For dinner a)don't eat meat. b)have some cake. c)have some vegetables. d)drink a lot of orange juice. 5)Before bedtime a)don't eat anything. b)you should watch TV. c)many people drink milk. d)you should have big supper. 6)All scientists agree that we should a)chew gum. b)eat chocolate bars between meals. c)drink a lot of water. d)eat a lot of nuts.

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