
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.2/str.51 Wpisz podane wyrażenia w odpowiednie kolumny tabeli. Can we have the bill? What can I get you? That's Ł16.75 in total. Are you ready to order? I'd like a milkshake please. Could I have eggs with that? Enjoy your meal! I think I'll have vanilla ice cream. Would you like any salad? Here's your change. How much is that? I kolumna - customer II kolumna - waiter/waitress

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1 answer

about 9 years ago

1)Can we have the bill? I'd like a milkshake please. Could I have eggs with that? How much is that? I think I'll have vanilla ice cream. 2)What can I get you? That's Ł16.75 in total. Are you ready to order? Enjoy your meal! Would you like any salad? Here's your change.


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