
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.1/str.36 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując nazwy części ciała. Następnie wpisz te nazwy w odpowiednich miejscach na rysunku. 1)Your hand is at the end of your .... 2)You sit on the .... of a horse to ride it. 3)This puzzle is about parts of the .... 4)You put your .... into your shoes. 5)There are five .... on your hand. 6)Do you write your left .... or your right? 7)Your hair is on your .... 8)Your foot is at the end of your .... 9)Your head is on your .... 10)Your arms join your body at your .... 11)Your .... is where your food goes 12)You've got ten .... , five on earch foot.

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