
Gateway 1 Workbook Zad.4/str.35 Przeczytaj zdania a-h i dopasuj je do części 1-4 zadania egzaminacyjnego. a)The house is in front of a big supermarket. b)I am looking for a house for eight people. c)There is a big bathroom with a shower, but there isn't a bath. d)How much is the rent for eight people? e)It is in the city centre, next to the church. f)It has got a living room, but there isn't a dining room. g)I need a house for eight people. h)What is the rent for eight people? 1)Określenie celu listu: 2)Udzielenie informacji o lokalizacji: 3)Opisywanie wyposażenia domu: 4)Pytanie o czynsz:

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