
Complete the gaps with single words 1. My family lives on a very small ................ so I get a boat every day to get to school. I can't be late because there's only one boat in the morning. 2. Australia is a huge .................. and my parents own a farm hundreds of kilometers from the nearest big town. There's no secondary school in our little community, so I have all my lessons online. 3. I go to school near Cape Town , in South Afica and about 20 km from my school is the point where two ................ meet. The Atlantic and the Indian. I think our school has the most beautiful location in the world 4. I go to school in Istanbul , which is famous for being the only city in the world where two ............ meet. My school is in Asia, but when I look out of the window I can see Europe 5. Everyone has heard of the famous ............ in our city, but most people don't know that the city is also called Niagara Falls. In fact , my school is calles Niagara Falls High school! 6. My family lives in Dubai very close to the .............. It hardly every rains, but we regularly have stroms - sand stroms! When that happens we have to stay indoors so it's impossible to get to school 7. My parents own a restaurant high in the ...................... and I have to get a cable car down to the town to get to school every day. Sometimes, if it's really windy , I just have to stay at home

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