
zad 1 Uzupełnij luki w rozmowie (1-6) zaimkami z ramki (a-h). Dwa zaimki podano dodatkowo i nie pasują one do żadnej z luk. A- her B-hers C- herself D-mine E-myself F- one another G-their H-theirs Brian: Hi! I'm home! Nell: Shhh, Mum has a migraine. We mustn't disturb ______. Brian: oh, I se. I'm hungry. I think I'll make_____ a sandwich. Nell: you can have_____ I didn't have time to eat it at school. Brian: Are you sure? Aren't you hungry? Nell: well, actually, I've had the rest of the tomato soup. Brian: All right then, thanks, sis. Where is everybody? Nell: Dad hasn't come back yet. Sue's brought a friend of_____, they're in the living room, doing _____ homework. By the way, will you help me with my history project later? Brian: Ok, I will. Brothers and sister should help _____ , shouldn't they?

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