
Używając podanego wyrazu, przekształć zdania tak, aby otrzymać zdanie poprawne gramatycznie i zgodne z treścią zdania wyjściowego. Nie wolno zmieniać podanych fragmentów zdań ani formy wyrazu w nawiasie. 1.'I didn't take the painting', Jon said. (taking) Jon................... the painting 2.As nobody was interested, the show was cancelled. (interest) Due ................., the show was cancelled. 3.If I could spend evey holiday at the coast,that's what I'd do. (opportunity) If I...............so, I'd spend every holiday at the coast 4.Why are you against getting a new car? (objection) What's ........... a new car? 5.Becky demanded to complain to the manager in person. ( insisted) Becky...................... her complaint to the manager in person. 6. It has always been Victoria's ambition to become an artist (dreamt) Victoria...........an artist 7.Chris made a mistake when he gave up his job (should) Chris............... his job. 8. The doctor won't let him take any more antibiotics. (allow) The doctor won't .............. any more antibiotics. 9.Without a pension, she wouldn't have an income (depends) She...............her income 10. Could you sen the books to my home address? (sent) Could I .......... to my home address?

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about 5 years ago



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