
2.Uzupełnij wypowiedzi na forum internetowym, wpisując po jednym wyrazie w każdą lukę. Pierwsza litera każdego słowa została podana: Why do some students think it's cool not to (1)l... things at school? Why do they think it's bad to (2)m... progress? Why do they (3)c.... in exams? Why do they prefer to (4)c... to their friends than to take (5)p.... in the lesson? Why do they do their (6)b... to stop other people from learning? Why are they never (7)p... and always late? Why do they think it's better to (8)m... lessons than to attend classes? I don't know why, but one thing is clear: the class is always better when those students are (9)a than it is when they're present. JenTee

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