
LIST! Zamieszkałaś niedawno w nowym domu.Napisz list do kolegi z zagranicy,w którym: -poinformujesz ,dokąd się przeprowadziłaś i dlaczego(past simple 3 zdania), -opiszesz swój nowy dom i okolicę,w której się on znajduje (present simple 2,3 zdania), -napiszesz,co ci się podoba w tej okolicy,a co nie(present simple 2 zdania), -zaprosisz kolegę do siebie i zachęcisz go do przyjazdu (2 zdania).

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1 answer

about 11 years ago

Hi Emily! How are you? I'm writing to you because I want to tell you about my new house. Me and my parents moved to city centre because my dad got promotion in work and we have enough money to live in the block next to main street. Our new flat is better than old. It's modern and huge. It's situated in new-builded block. Near to our house are many shops and a little further from us is the river. I see it from my room's window! I like that we live in centre. Bus stop, hospital, shops, library are really near to me. One thing that I dislike is this crowd. All day our neiborhood is noisy and full of busy people. I want to invite you to my new house. You must see my room. I really like it and I hope you'll love it too. XYZ


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