
Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu po angielsku. Big Ben is the most popular with the clock tower in the world. Is located in the London, UK. It is part of the British Parliament. The tower is 96 meters high, is built of hewn stone. Is the symbol of Great Britain. Tower Bridge is a movable bridge in London. It is the only one out of 29 bascule bridge over the River Thames. The bridge is 244 meters long and 60 meters szerokości.Ma two towers each have 65mmetrow height. It is located in central London, near Tower of London. Is the symbol of Great Britain.

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about 13 years ago

Pod każdym Twoim zdaniem, zdanie poprawne. Big Ben is the most popular with the clock tower in the world. Big Ben is the most popular tower with the clock in the world. Is located in the London, UK. It iss located in the London, UK. It is part of the British Parliament. The tower is 96 meters high, is built of hewn stone. The tower is 96 meters high, it is built of hewn stone. Is the symbol of Great Britain. Big Ben is the symbol of Great Britain. Tower Bridge is a movable bridge in London. It is the only one out of 29 bascule bridge over the River Thames. The bridge is 244 meters long and 60 meters szerokości. The bridge is 244 meters long and 60 meters wiedth. Ma two towers each have 65mmetrow height. It has got two towers, each have 65meters height. It is located in central London, near Tower of London. Is the symbol of Great Britain. It is the symbol of Great Britain.


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