
przyjechalas na miesieczny wypoczynek do swoich dziadkow na wsi. napisz list do przyjaciela z angli(min 150 slow).1) napisz gdzie przebywasz i jak dlugo zamierzasz tam zostac 2)opisz lokalizacje domi i widok ktoty sie z niego roztacza 3)napisz co tam robisz i czy nawiazales nowe przyjaznie 4) napisz co najbarsziej poboda ci sie w domu a co nie.... trzeba na to odpowiedzec po angielsku

+0 pkt.

1 answer

about 13 years ago

Dear Larry, How are you? I'm great! I'm on holidays with my grandparents in Poronin. This is small village next to Zakopane in mountains. Their house is next to big forest, thats why my grandad is lumperjack. Views are amazing. I can see mountains, sitting on the bed. Thats great. I've got new friend from here. Her name is Nikola and she's really kind. We have fun together. Yesterday we were at the lake. It was great travel. We want to have to bonfire tonight. This house is Ok. I love the views from the window, and location of it, but i hate creaks stairs. Thats terrible. Where are you now? Write to me! -xyz


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