
Język angielski: Prosze o sprawdzenie poniższego listu: Hi Kate, How is it going? I have read a very good book that I want to recommend to you! It's called "Atonement" and it was written by Ian McEwan. It is a dramatic story set in England when World War II has started. It's the story of a two young lovers, Robbie and Cecilia who are separate because little girl commited a mistake. For this reason, Robbie joins the army. I won't give the ending away in case you decide to read it yourself. I like this book because the author excellent bind thematics of war with love motif. It's a amazing cliffhanger. It contains of interesting characters. I really wanted to know what was going to happen. There's a twist at the end. You should read it! See you! Kama325 PS. "Atonement" was filmed in 2007. Keira Knightley act in this film!

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1 answer

about 13 years ago

**Co miałaś na myśli pisząc "How is it going?" ? Lepiej napisz "How are yo?" albo potocznie "waht's up?" **"I have read a very good book that I want to recommend to you!" Może lepiej będzie "I read a very good book and I want to recommend it." **"It's called "Atonement" and it was written by Ian McEwan." może lepiej - it manes "Atonement" and it IS written by Ian McEwan. Tak mi się wydaje. że te zmiany powinny być wprowadzone :) mam nadzieję, że pomogłem. Pozdrawiam =)


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