
Uzupelnij zdania w czasie Present Continous uzywajac czasownikow podanych w nawiasie My brother unemployed and he ___________(look) for a job Im so tired.I ______________ (dream) of a cup of hot coffee Lets go to bed.We _______________ (leave) early tommorrow This month I _______________ (save) up to buy a new stereo system I _____________ (go) shopping together. You ____________________ (drive) much too fast The local authorities ____________________ (build) a new road. She ________________ (stand) near the tree. I ______________ (help) grandma to pick upo apples in his garden This week he _______________ (prepare) for a swimming competitiopn next week. Uzupelnij pytania w czasie Present Continuous uzywajac czasownikow z nawiasu ____________________________ there long? (stay) __________________ by train? I could pick you up from the station (come) ___________________the car? (take) ____________________ so heavily? (rain) ____________________ the car again? (repair) _______________________ Greek or what? (speak) Napisz zdania przeczace w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present COntinuous tak aby znaczenie obu bzdan bylo rownowazne Derek looks bored with the party = ______________________ himself at the party. We havent invited anyone for tommorrow = ______________________ any guests tomorrow. its Cathy day off today = ___________________ today the train is terribly slow = We ______________________ very fast. Its the third time you havent heard my question = ______________ to me again Napisz pytania tak aby uzupelnic ponizszy dialog What are you doing this weekend? im going to the mountains Oh sounds good._____________________________? A couple of people from our office _____________________________? probably on friday afternoon And ____________________________? Well one of our managers has got a villa there and he invited us to stay. Zaznacz poprawne formy czasownikow He waves/is waving at us Mandy is very good at languages and she speaks/is speaking German and English I dont think/am not thinking its a good idea The film starts/is starting at 8.30 You drive/are driving too fast My grandma stays/is staying with us every christmas I dont use/am not using it at the moment What time does the library open/is the library opening on weekdays? I miss/am missing her a lot

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